Galaxy on fire 2 best ship and weapons
Galaxy on fire 2 best ship and weapons

Artillery The ship will stay at long range (80) and engage its target from far away. Line The ship will advance to medium range (50), assume formation and then attack everything within range. Picket The ship will move to close range (30) and attack from a position, attempting to intercept incoming enemy ships. Swarm The ship will charge straight into point-blank range with its target, circle around it, and attack. Ships that have similar roles will typically cluster together, stay in formation with each other and attack in groups. Weapon range modifiers will also increase this range. The engagement range is determined by the ship's designated role and will apply regardless of the effective range of the ship's weapons.

galaxy on fire 2 best ship and weapons

When in combat, every military ship will advance to within a certain distance of its target and fire its weapons, while staying at the intended distance. This component predominantly improves fire-rate as well as various performance, like evasion, tracking, accuracy, or weapons range, depending on behavior type. The Psi Jump Drive harnesses the psionic potential of the ship's crew to warp the local space-time continuum, eliminating the distance between the point of origin and the destination. The nature of the space the ship passes through on this journey is still poorly understood. The Jump Drive tears ship-sized holes in the very fabric of reality, allowing for near-instantaneous movement between systems. Ships equipped with Hyper Drives travel swiftly between the edges of star systems along interstellar hyperlanes. After jumping the fleet spends 200 days recharging, during which time it suffers −50% sublight speed and weapons damage. Initiate a jump by selecting the fleet, clicking the "Initiate Jump" button and left-clicking the target. Jump drives allow the ship to make a direct jump within a limited range, indicated by a yellow dotted circle.

galaxy on fire 2 best ship and weapons

This subsystem is optional, although without an FTL drive the ship is incapable of moving between systems. These generators appear to somehow draw energy directly from dark matter, providing more ship power than should be possible according to the laws of physics.

Galaxy on fire 2 best ship and weapons