The true heartbreak is watching helplessly as events unfold and the characters struggle to maintain control. Still, this doesn’t take away from the experience. Even though there are twists and turns, they’re almost predictable to the player. There’s nothing wrong with that, but with Killzone, the beauty of the story lies with the big picture, rather than individual characters. Looking back, that’s because we were focused on the personal triumphs and tragedies of the protagonist. In the first few chapters of Shadow Fall, there was nothing that really caught our attention. No matter how you want to approach a situation, Shadow Fall gives you the tools you need to get the job done. Of course, when things do get out of control, you can use your OWL companion drone to attack enemies, shield you from danger, hack electronics and even provide you with a mobile zip line. You can opt to go loudand shoot your way through the entire campaign, or you can make use of your Tactical Echo - a type of radar that will show enemy locations within a short range - and take the stealth approach. There are plenty of opportunities for players to get stuck in a rut, but there are also endless opportunities for variety. Partly due to our third point about the touchpad, Killzone does not have this problem. Shoot, throw grenade, stab, run and then do it again for about six hours. We all know the typical combat formula for most games. If you really want to get a feel for what the DualShock 4 can do, Killzone is a good place to start. It’s features like this that help keep players immersed in a game. One swipe of the touchpad and your drone goes from a shield to a zip line. No more having to cycle through clunky menu options. It features four modes that you can seamlessly switch between with nothing more than a swipe of the touchpad. Throughout most of the game, players are given a drone called an OWL. Not only is the touchpad used, it’s a major part of almost every situation in every single chapter. It wasn’t until we started to play Killzone that we had our “aha” moment. It seemed like it had a lot of potential. When we first got our hands on the DualShock 4 touchpad, we weren’t really sure what to make of it. His points were valid, the PS3 was capable of running games at 1080p and 60 frames per second, but within five minutes of viewing - not playing - our friend was asking what stores still had the PS4 in stock. Of course, we had told him how good it looked, and he responded with the skepticism you might expect. On a personal note, we recently chose Shadow Fall as the go-to game to show a friend what the PS4 is capable of. Running at a native resolution of 1080p (1920 x 1080) and 60 frames per second, the game is gorgeous on the PS4. If graphics are you thing, pick up Shadow Fall right now. It is our first real taste of a PS4 game that was imagined and realized with only the next generation in mind. Not unlike Resistancefor the PS3, Shadow Fall is the benchmark for which future PS4 titles will be judged.
Perhaps it’s that last point that makes it such an important title for PS4 owners to play. Guerilla Games only had to focus on completing one game, on one platform for one generation. Quite simply, they are two different games. Aside from the notable differences in frames per second, the PS3 version only supports 24 players and does not include the Conquest Large game mode. Having played the PS3 version of Battlefield 4, the differences are striking between current and next generations. Let’s compare it to Battlefield 4, a great title in its own right.
Exclusive to the PlayStation 4, the look and feel of Shadow Fall screams next generation. Guerilla Games, however, did not have to focus on multiple platforms. Having played both Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts, we experienced the differences between current and next generation versions of a single game. Although this is not a formal review, we wanted to present our top five reasons why you should play this underrated game. From top to bottom, Shadow Fall delivers on every level. After seeing some of the online review scores, we braced for disappointment and were pleasantly surprised. We recently had the opportunity to beat Killzone: Shadow Fall’s campaign read the free walkthrough.